20 Things I Learned & Accomplished Before I Turned 20

20 Things I Learned & Accomplished Before I Turned 20

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I’ve been 20 for almost two months now, and I decided to do some reminiscing and see what I’ve done in my life so far. Some are more serious, some are just fun, but all of these are lessons I have learned by my 20th birthday. This birthday was a…

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Why I Love “Stuff”

Why I Love “Stuff”

At first this post was going to be a cute little story about how I fit a ton of stuff into my small NYC apartment, but then I realized that this really needed to be a serious conversation. Time and time again I have people telling me stuff doesn’t matter,…

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World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day

Happy World Mental Health Day! I just decided to check in and write this quick post to talk a bit about mental health. I’ve dealt with depression in the past, and continue to deal with anxiety, so mental health is very close to my heart. Maybe one day I will…

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